Friday, November 24, 2006

Take a deep breath...

South Broulee at low tide

Well, its all over once again for another year. Another semester of hard study down, and just one more to go. I have still been getting out there a bit in the midst of it all, but have been rather slack in bringing you the results. So here is an update for you of a recent trip to Batemans Bay. Unfortunately the reason for the trip was sad as I was attending the funeral of a friend. But we were blessed with a beautiful day, which somehow made it more bearable. Although it was a sad time, I was reminded of the good things of the life of my friend, and the beauty that life can hold. Its hard to be down when the beauty of God's creation is crying out. So really, these are in honour of Damo, rest in peace brother.

South Broulee at low tide,
vertical panoramas give an interesting perspective
Mckenzies Beach viewed from pretty point on a glorious spring day

Friday, November 03, 2006

City lights from Crow's Nest

Well, its been a while since I posted. Its the usually story of a student, studying, working, and trying to have a social life doesn't leave you lots of time sometimes for doing the things you love. I did get the chance recently to check out a spot I had noticed on the Pacific Hwy. It was a bit of a mission trying to find this footbridge over the Hwy, I usually drive under it. Eventually I found it in Crow's Nest. Missed a nice sunset after getting lost, but I had a lot of fun playing with exposure times anyway. Check it out.