We went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show this year and had a lot of fun, and not enough time or money! Its really a great day out, I recommend you go next year if you've never been.
Once you're in, there are heaps of free shows and fun things to do. We really enjoyed the woodchopping competition. These guys were climbing poles and cutting them down, and racing, it was great. Check it out...
Ok, so this one is not one of mine, its a bit old but its awesome. I think it was put together by similar technology to what I use for my panoramas. Its a bridge in France or something, check it out.
Here is my entry in Mark Joyner's writing competition. I talk about one of the most life changing experiences of my life, which I had while on a trip in Africa. Feel free to leave a comment either here or on YouTube.
Just two days before our wedding in Pakistan one of Noamy's uncles took my parents, best mate, and I to small village about a half hours drive from Gujrat in Pakistan. It was really an eye opener for all of us, especially, those on the trip who hadn't seen a third world village before. Here are a few panoramas of life in a rural village in the province of Punjab in Pakistan.
This was a small lake or dam that the cattle bathed and drank from
In the fields around the village they grew a number of crops; vegetables, sugar cane, feed for livestock and other stuff that I couldn't tell.